Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How To Lose Weight

Is there anything new in this topic......NO! they are things you and I already know, but the secret is SELF DISCIPLINE, the 1st two weeks are always easy and ok, but when you have to wake up the next day to hit the gym and you step on the scale, you see figures and it feels like you have been wasting your time, you start craving the wrong foods, wanting to quit the gym, u say watever! after all i can't see any difference~  i tell you, these are the most trying times.

It took me 3 full months at the gym, 1 hour six days a week, 1 hr brisk walking in the evenings, some form of exericse while watching TV, parking far away from where i was going, so i could walk to my destination, eating HEALTHY, nope i did not go on a diet, I CHOSE my food~ as we all know YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT~, these and anything else to lose 13kg. So from 75kg - 62kg @ 5'7 lets see, i looked hot in my eyes, 2 packs, sorry couldn't make it up to six, firm body but! i looked anorexic, had dark circles around my eyes, my head was definitely big, irregular cycles, lost my Boobs! and i wasn't having that, eehn, imagine a once voluptuous sexy "fat"thang now without her assets, na man! so i ate up, 6kg heavier and I can say 2 1/2 of that went back to my prized goods ~ dem milk shakes are definitely bringing all the boys to the yard now, my tummy is not as flat as a board but i definitely don't have tyres, and my tush is just right. 

That was four years ago and now after losing 2kg i still have the body of a sex goddess, if i may say so. My self esteem and confidence ~sky high . All it took was me deciding what i wanted and sticking to it, so people you have no excuses, if you want a fabulous body you have to work for it. 


At September 15, 2008 at 7:57 AM , Blogger greyamethyst said...

I am going to be taking fashion cues from u.Cos i think i suck..nice collections..welcome to blogsville again.

At April 14, 2009 at 7:57 AM , Blogger doll (retired blogger) said...

i agree...since i started hitting the gym. iv seen differences


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